Private Clinical Establishment, Regulation

Private Clinical Establishment, Regulation

TAMlL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY 19 — – – .- – – – – – — – – -. . . – – – – — –
The fol1ow;ng Act oft he Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of
the Gavernor on the 14th February 1997 and is hereby published for general information :–
ACT No. 4 OF 1997.
An Act to provided for the regulation of the Private Clinical L,+?blishments in the
State of Tamil Nadu fcr matters connectec! therewith or incidental thereto.
Be it enacietl by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the FortyEighth Year oi the Republic of India as follows:-

  1. (1) This Act [nay be callec! the TamilNaclu Private Clinical Establish~ents Short title, (Regulation) Act, 1997. extent and
    (2) It extends to tile whole of the State of’ Tamil Ndlu.
    (3.) It shall come i ito force on such date as the State Goveritment may by
    ilotificat~on, appoint.
  2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,- D~zhitions. I
    (a) competent authority” means any authority, officer or person appointed
    by the Government, by notification, to perform the functions of the competent authority under this Act .ind different competent authority may bc appoir.ted for
    d i flerent areas ;
    (b) Government” means the State Government ;
    (c) ‘ ‘private clinical establishment” means and includes-
    (i) a general I~ospital, maternity hospital or dispensary.
    (ii) an institution or a centre, by whateter name called where physically or
    mentally sick, injured or infirm person is admitted either as in-patient or oubptient
    ‘or treatrnrnt nrich or without the aic! of’ operative procedures ;
    (iii) a clinic catering to radiological, biological or other diagnostic or
    investigative services with the aid of laboratory or other medical equipments.
    establish’ed and! administered or maintained. by any person for body of persons,
    whether incorporatecl or not, but d oes not includ e a clincial establishment established
    and administered or maintained by the State.Government or Central Government
    or a local authority or a com$any or corporation owned or controlled by the State
    Government or Zentral Government.
    i 3. (1) On or after the date of the commencement of this Act, no person shall Registration 1 prry on any private clinical establishment unless such private clinical establishment of private is c\uly registered under this Act : clinical
    Provided that every private clinical est ablishmeat in existecce on the date
    of the colnmencement of this Act shall apply for registrat~on within three mor~ths
    fronl that dnte :
    Providlcc’, further that every private clinical e~tablishmer~t in existence on the
    date of the commencement of this Act shall cease to carry on. its business on the
    expiry of four inor?ths from that date unless such private clini=l establishment has
    applierl1 for registratiola andl is so registered or t~ll such application is disposed of
    whicl~ever is earlier.
    (2) Every application for registration under sub-section (1) shall be made
    to thc coipctcnt authority in such forin and in such manner anc5 sllall be accompained hy such fee not exceeding five thousand. rupees as may be mescribed. 28 TAMIL NADU . – GQVERlS/A@m ., .-.–.—— .-. GAZETTE —- -. . — EXTRAORDIN.4RY — – — —- I ..-. ,.,.- LIZ .-, — –—-I— -.– —-. _ _ # (3) Noprivate C1inio:ll e;tablishme:lt sh~ll Se redisterc-: u A). er th15 .ict t,li\
    the cotpetent aumority is satisfied that such private clinical establishn-crt i\ in ;I
    position to provide such specilisec! services and facilities pos?es\ suc;i ik~llctl
    manpower ard equiA3me, ts and con;itiors as may be presrcibed.
    Certificate of 4. (1) The co~npcte t s?utl?ority skiall, a ter 1101, i,?g ;).:I ii-q~liry an,’ .. Zcr- \:ltl, ) –
    regktat’;on. ing itsel ‘that the applie-I t has compliec! with all the requirements of this Act a,-d the
    mles made tiiereuiider, grart to the private clillic~’l establish me^ t 9 ccrtificcttc. elf
    registratior. ill such forin a d subject to such cod itions PS nlay be yrejcribed.
    (2) If, after the illquiry and a’ter p,ivii>p, a11 opportut ity to thc npplica::t
    of being heard, thc conigetentauthority is satisfiec thxt the applicltnt ha\ cot com1:licd
    with the requircmc) ts o ‘this Act and the rules made thereueder, it ,hall, ‘or rea5ons
    to be recorde0 ir- wrtiilg, reject the applicatioil ‘or registra: ion.
    (3) Evcry certificate of registration is valid for a ~wriod oP live !c;~r-s arid
    may be rej-ewe(( or a perioc! o five ycars at a tinlc.
    (4) Every application or renewal of registrat io~l shall be macle LL ~llliil sitcl~
    time as may be prescribc.I and the provisions of this Act sh,.ll a\ T~I a\ may bc applb
    in relation to the reqewal of a regsitration as they 2 pply i~, relation to registration.
    (5) l f a wrti licate or rcpistratioli is lo\t, c c\ troycd, rnut~l;:lc”~ or \’ ,LIII;L! ~(1,
    the conipete~ tautiiority niay, 011 dpplicatinn aild o,, ~>ity~nc>,l of \ucIl fcc 2~4 ~ll~ty
    be prescribed, issue a duplicate certificate.
    Suspension , 5. (I) The c01iipctei;t iiuthority may, suo-nlotc 01- o:? complnii?t. ih\i~c a iioticc
    or cancella- to any private clinical .;stablishmeil.t to show causc why its ~-c~!iatr:ttio uildcr tiiis tionof . Act should not be sus>l:.?ded or cancelled. for the reasons mc.ltioi;ci; in tllc notice. registration. (2) If after piv~i g a reasoilable opportu,~it-i of be~,lg ne’1rii to (,lc prt.ltl: clii,ical estzblis,ime, t, le competent authority is sdtisfie ‘ f!ldt t,?erc been ,I
    breach of ail y o the provisions of this Act or the ru1t.s made theree-ter or the con(! Itioes of re.;istr::tio.i-r, it ;nay, wit;-iout prejur!ice to a .y other ?ctio 1 that it III,?) 12 I\c against suc.1 i:rlv ,te cli, ical establishmeiit suspeni: rts replstfiltion for such pcrrotl as it may tilink fit or cancel its registration : I Provided that where the competent authority is of the opinio that it is necessarj I or expedient so to do in the public interest, it may, for reasons to bc
    recorded in writing, suspend the reglstration of any private clinical e\tnblishment
    without issuing any notice.
    Inspection 6. (1) The competent authority shall have thc right to cause all inspcctio~l of.
    or inquiry, or inquiry in respect of any private clinical ~stablishrr~ent, itsbuildings, Jaborator~cb
    and equipments and also of the work conducted or done by the private clinical
    establishment, to be made by such person or persons as it may direct and to causc
    an inquiry to be made in respect of any other matier connected with the prjx ate
    clinical establishment and that establishment shall be entitled to be represented
    there at.
    (2) The corn-e:ent authority shall cominun icate to the priv:tte clinical
    establishment the views of that a@h. tity with I eference to 1 he result5 oi’ \uch
    inspection or inquiry and may, afler asccrtairing the opinion of tnc pr~vate
    clinical establishmeet thereon’ advise th- t estdblislr met upon the action to be taken.
    (3) “‘le private clinical establishment shall report to the competent
    authority the actloll, if any, which is proposed to be ,aken or has been taken i~pon the results of such inspection or inquiry, Such report shall be furnishzd within
    scuh time as the competent auhority may direcr,
    (4) Where the private clinical establishment does not, within CL reasol able
    time take action to the satisfaction of the competent authority that authority may.
    after considering any explanation fbrnished or I cpresentation made by the priiate clinical establishment, issl~e such directions as that authority deems flt and ~hc
    private clinical establishment shall comply with such directions.
  • – – – . — –
  1. Any private clinical establishment aggrieved by an order of the competent ‘ Appeals, authority rejecting an ;~pplication for registration under sub-section (2) of section
    4 or an order of suspension or cancellation of registration under sub-section (2) of section 5 or by ally direction of the competent authority under section 6 may,
    within thirty days front the date of receipt of the order, prefer an appeal to such
    authority and in such manner as may be prescribed,
  2. Whoever contravenes any provisions of this act or any rule made under this Punishment
    Act or any condition of the registration granted thereunder shall be punishnable for contraver
    with flne which shall not be less than flve thousand rupees but which may extend to tion of any flfteen thousand rupees : provisions c
    this act,
    Provided that the Court may, for reasons to be recorded in the judgenieilr,
    impose a flne than fl~e thousand rupees,
  3. (1) Where any offence punichable under this Act has been committed by 6ffences by
    a company, every person who, at the time the offence was committed, was in charge companies of, and was responsible to, the oompany for the conduct of the business of the
    company, as well as the company, shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and
    shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly :
    Provided that notli1l:g contained in this sub-section shall render any such
    person liable to any punishment, if he proves that the offence was committed
    without his knowledge or that he had exercised all due diligence to prevent the
    commission of such offence.
    (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (I), where any offence
    p~jnishable under th~s Act has been committzd by a company and it is proved that
    the oftence has been c ommitted with the consent or connivance of, or is attributable
    to ally negle~t on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other officer
    of the company, such director, manager, secretary or other officer shall also be
    deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordipnly,
    ! Explanation.-Fol the purposes cC these section,-
    (a) “Company” means any body corporate and includes a flrm society or
    &her of ind viduals ; :and
    (b) “dircctor”, I 1 relation to-
    (I) a firm, riicans a partner in the firm.
    (11) ;I bocicty or oiher association 01′ individuals, means tlie person who
    is cntrl~stcd i~nder the r ~lcs ofthe society or other association. with the management
    of lllc ;~fl’;~ir\ ol’ Ihc society or otlicr association, :IS tlic case may be.
  4. No court sh;~il take cognizance of an offence under this Act except on a Cognizance of
    complaint made by the 2ompetent authority or any officer authorised in this behalf offences.
    by the con~petent autl:ority.
    I 1. (I) rJo suit, prosecution or other legzl proceeding shall lie against any Protection of
    person for anything wh ch is in good faith done or intended to be done in pursuance action taken in
    of thc p~cvisions of this Act. good faith.
    1 (2) No suit 01. other legal proceeding shall lie against the Government for
    any damage caused or likely to be caused for anything which is in good faith
    done or intended to be done ill pursuance of the provisions of this Act. I
    12 Every pr~vatc cl~nical cstablisliment shall, wlthin such rime or within such Furnishing of
    eutcnc!cc! t~nic CI\ Inay b: fixcd by tlie competent authority In this behalf, furnish to returns. etc.
    the conii~etent ‘ILI~~O~IIY 9~1~11 returns, statisilcs and other information as the
    ci,lnllL>li I,[ ~1ull101 ~ty n ~y, from time to time rcqulse.
    — – _ . .—– —- .”””. l
    .. -. .””..””

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apetent 13. Every authority and every officer duly authorised to exercise the powers Central Act
hority, etc. or to discharge any duty imposed on it or him by or under this Act shall b.: XL\’ of 1860
be public deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian
vants. Penal Code.
wer to make 14. (1) The Government may, by notification, make rules, to carry out the
la. purposes of this Act.
(2) Every rule made under this Act and every order made under section
15 shall, as soon as possible after it is made, be placed on the Table of the Legislative
Assembly and if, before the expiry of the session in which it is so placed or the
next session, the Assembly makes any modification in any such rule or order, or
the Assembly decide that the rule or order should not be made, the rule or order
shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case
may be, so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without
prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule or order.
~wer to remove 15. If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the
fficulties. Government, may as occasion requires ,by order, not inconsistent with the provisiofis
of this Act, do anything which appear to them to be necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing the difficulty :
Provided that, no order lnder this section shall be made after the expiry of
two years from the date of cornmencement of this Act.
(By order of the Governor)
Secretary to Government, Law Departmcg 4