Keywords : MLA, Salary, Daily Allowance, Conveyance Allowance

Amendments appended: 10 of 1964, 6 of 1965, 13 of 1969, 7 of 1978, 2 of 1979, 6 of 1985, 7 of 1987, 3 of 1990, 4 of 1994, 1 of 1995, 12 of 1999, 9 of 2001,6 of 2002

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The Nagaland Legislative Member’s Salaries and Allowances Act, 1964
Act 6 of 1964
MLA, Salary, Daily Allowance, Conveyance Allowance
Amendments appended: 10 of 1964, 6 of 1965, 13 of 1969, 7 of 1978, 2 of 1979,
6 of 1985, 7 of 1987, 3 of 1990, 4 of 1994, 1 of 1995, 12 of 1999, 9 of 2001,6 of
Received tlre assetlr ofthe Governor ofr the 26111 March, 1964
[ P~lhlished in (he Nusalartd Gazette-Extraordirlary, Dafcd the 30th March, I9641
An Act to determine the salaries and allowances of the
Members of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly.
Preamble.-WHEREAS it is expedient 10 determine the salarics and
al!owances of the Members of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly ;
It is hereby cxcred -in the Fifteenth Year of the Republic of India as
rol[o~vs :-
Short title and commencement.- l. (I) This Aci may be called
khe Nagala~d Legislative Assembly Members’ Salaries and Allowances Act,
1 964. 4
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from the
1 lth February, 1964.
Defin ition,-2. In this Act and lor the purposes thereof “Member”
means a member of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly, other than the
Speaker or Dcpuly Speaker of Assembly, a Minister, a Minister of
State, a Deputy Minister, a Parliamentary Secretary to the Government of
.- #.’
-. Salaries.-3. There shall be paid to each member a salary at the
rale or rupces [three hundred]’ per mensem.
Allowances.-4. There shall be paid to each member the following
allowances in connection ;vi th his duties as member of the Assembly ;
ti) Daily allowance at the rate .of rupees twenty per day when his
. atfendance is required at Kohirna in connection with his duties as ‘
a member. For other places \within tbe State of NagalandJe the
member shall draw daily allowances a1 the rate of rupees[Uteenla
per day, and

  1. Substituted by Act 13 of 1969.
  2. Inscrtcd by Nagalnnd Act 10 of 1964.
    Substituted by Act 6 oi 1965.
    -. – —
    p(itt) Daily allowance at the rate of rupees twentyfive pcr day when
    his attendance outside the State of Nagaland is required’ in
    codnectinn with his duties as a member, subject to any lower
    ratc with respect to any specified place as may be prescribed by
    rules, and”J1 !
    (ii) travelling allowance at the rate admissible to a Government
    Servant of the fifst grade under the relevant rules. –
    Conveyance allowance.-5. (I) Thc State Government may provide
    suitable conveyances for the use of every member for the due preformancc
    of such of his duties as a member of the Assembly, as may be prescribed by
    (2) Every member shailfurthet be entitled to a conveyance allowance
    of rupees [two hundred per I
    Medial attendance and treatment.-6. A member shall be entitled. 1
    free of charge to accommodation in hospitals maintained or approved in this
    behalf by the Government and also to free medical treatment.
    Explanation-For the purpose of this sectioa ‘member’ shall include *
    his wire, his children, stepchildren, minor brothers and sisters and parents
    wholly dependent on him. i
    Rule making powers of the State Government.-7. (2) The State
    Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rutes-
    (0) to prescribe the periods during which, and the condition under
    which. daily allowance may be drawn, and circumstances under
    ‘ which such allowances may be withheld ;
    (b) to prescribe the con’ditions on which and journeys for which /
    travelling allowance may be claImed;

(c) to prescribe the hospital for medical attendance and treatment : and

{d) generaliy for carrying out the,purpose of the .4ct.
(2) Ail rules made under this Act shall be laid before the Nagaiand :
legislative Assembly, as soon as may h, after they are made and shall be :
subject to such modifications as thc Nagaland Legislative Assembly ‘ may
make – –. — ‘ ,
. . – 1. Inserted by Nagaland Act 10 of 1964.

  1. Substituicd bj Napaland Act 6 or 1%5.

    Medical attendance and treatment.-8. The Deputy Speaker shall !
    be entitled free of charge to accommodation in hospitals rnaintairleli or
    approvcd in this behalf by thc Government and also to free medical ‘
    Explanation.-For purpose of this section, the Deputy Speaker shall
    includc hls wife, his children, stepchildren, minor brothers and sisters and ‘
    parents wholly dependent on him.
    Entertainment allowaflca.-9. The Deputy Speaker shall- be entitled
    to entertainment allowance of [rupees two hundred and fifty per meosem.]l
  • Power to make rules.-10. (l) The State Government may in :
    consultation with the Speaker, by notification in the Official Gazette, make
    rules for carrying, out the purposes of this Act.
    (2) . All rules made under this Act shall be laid before the Nagaland i
    Legislative Assembly, as soon as may he, after they are made and shall be
    subject to such modifications as may be made by the Legislative Assembly. –
  1. Substituted vide Nagaland Act I2 OF 1969 1.9.69.’
    i t I
    (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1 964r
    NAGALAND Am NO. 10 OF 1%
    (Received I!;e-o.ssenr of rlre Gooemor on (he 14th Seprenz ber, f W
    and plrblishud in the Nogaiand Gazelle, Eatruordinay dated 14rh
    Seytcnl be6 Z9#)
    lo amend he Nagaland Legislative Assembly Mernbrr’s Salaries:
    and Allowances Act, 1964.
    Whereas, it is expedjenr to amend rhc Nagaland Legislative
    AsscmbIy Member’s Salaries and Allow;rnces Act, 1964 (Nagaland
    Act 6 of 1964) in the manner hereinaficr appearing;
    It is hereby enacted in thc Fifteenth Year of the Republic of
    India as follows :-
    I. Sbort tiUe and commencement.
    (1) This Act may be callcd the Nirgaland LzgisIativc Asscmbly
    Mcmbers’ Salaries and Allowances (~mendment) Acr, 1964.
    (2) It shall bc deemed to have come into forcc with effccl from
    the Illh February, 1W.
  2. Amendment of Section 4 of Nmgaland Act 6 of 19U.
    In Scction 4 of [he Nugaland ‘Legislative Asscmbly Members’
    Salarics and Allt~wanccs Acl, 19114 (Nagaland Act b of 1964).
    (i) in cbusr: (i) after the word “placcs” ~hc words “within (he
    Stale of Nagaland” shall bc insertcd and lhe last word “and” . –
    shall be deleted;
    (ii) ‘alter clause (i) the following new clausi shall br: inserted –
    (iii) “(ia) Daily allowance al the rate of rupees twenty five per
    day when his alitndancc: uu~sidt: rhc State of Nagaland is
    rcquired jn alnncctiun with his duties as a mcmbcr, subjccr
    lu any lower ralt: with respect to any specified plaw as may
    be prc~cribcd by rulcs, and
    (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1965
    NAGUD ACT NO. 6 OF 1965. –
    , Acl
    further to amend the Nagaland Legislative Assembly Mcmbcrs’
    Salaries aod allowances Act, 1964.
    Where il is expedient to amend the Nagaland kgilative AssembIy
    ‘ Members’ Salaries and Allowances Acl, 1964 (Nagalaud Act No.
    6 of 1964) in the manncr hereinafter appearing;
    It is hereby enacted in the Sixteenth Year of the Republic ‘of
    India as follows :-
    I. Shod title and commencement.
    (1) This Act may be called the Nagaland Legislative Asscmhly
    Members’ Salaries and AlJowanw (Amendment) Act, 2965.
    (2) It shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from
    the first day oC April, 1965.
  3. Amendment af Section 4 of the Nagaland Act No. 6 of 1964.
    In Section 4 OC the Nagaland Legislative Assembly Mcmbers’
    Salaries and Atlawinccs Act 1964, (Nagaland Act NO. 6 of 1964)
    in sub-section (i), for the words “rupees ten and idly Naya paisc”
    the following shall bc substituted, nameIy : – “rupers fifteen”.
  4. Amendment or section 5 of the Napland Act No. 6 of 1964. ‘ In Scctiun 5 d the Nagaland Lcgi~lalive Assembly Members’
    Salaries and AIlowances Act, 1964 (Nagaland Acl No. 6 of 1064)
    in sub-scclion (2), for the words “rupacs one hundred and filly
    per rnensern” the following shall be substiiut ed namely : ‘rupees
    1wc1 hundred per menscm”.
    (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1969
    NAGALAND ACT NO. 13 OF 1969.
    (Receiyed the assent of the Govcmor on 1st September, 1969 md
    published in he Nagalund Gazette, Emaordinary dated lsl
    Seprember, 1969)
    further to amend the Nagaland Legislative Assembly Members’
    Salaries and Aflowance Act, 1964.
    Jt is expedient further to amcad the Nagaland Legislative Assembly
    Members’ Salarics and Allowanas Act, 1964 (Nagaland Act, No.
    G of 1964, hereinafter called the Principd Act, in the manner
    hereinafter appearing.
    It is hereby enacted in the Twentieth year of the Republic of
    India as follows : –
    I. Short title and commencement
    (1) This Act may be called the Nagaland Legislative Assembly
    Members’ Salaries aad Allowances (Amendment) Act, 1969.
    (2) It shall cornc into force with effect from the 1st September,
  5. Amendment of Section 3 of Nagaland Act, YI of 1964.
    In Section 3 of the Principal Act, for the words “hvo huodred
    and fifty per mensem”, the words “three hundred and frfty per
    mensern” shall be substiruted.
    (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1978.
    (NAGAWWD ACT NO. 7 OF 1978)
    Received tlte nsscrll 01 r11e Govent or or1 tll e 29. g. 78
    furlhcr to amend the Nagaland Legislative Asscmbly Members’
    Salarics and Allowanccs Act, 1964. (Nagaland Act No. 6 of 1’364).
    1t is enacted in the rwenty ninth year of the Rcpublic of India as
    foUows :-
  6. Short title and C’ornmenment
    (1) This ACL may be called the Nagaland Legislative Asscmbly
    Members’ Salaries and Allowanccs (Arncndmcnt) Acl, 1378.
    (2) This shall come into force on ~hc first .day of Seplcmbcr,
  7. hendment of Section 4 of the Nagaland Act No. 6 of 1964.
    The existing Section 4 of the Nagaland Legislalive Assembly
    Members’ Salarics and Allowances Act, 1W shall be substituted
    by the following ; –
    “4. ALLOWANCES : – There shall be paid to each Member the
    following allowances in comection with his duties as member of
    the Assembly :-
    (i) Daily Allowance at the rate of rupces thirty per day wbcn
    his attendauu: is required at Kohi1114 for atlending lhe sessions
    of the Nagaland LegisIative Assembly.
    (ii) Daily Allowance at the rale of rupees lwcnty five per day
    for halts outside his normal headquarters, bul within the State
    of Nagaland.
    (iii) Daily Allowance at n he rate ol rupees forty per day lor halts
    a1 laces outside thc State of Nagaland, and
    (iv) Travelling AUowance at the rates admissible to a I invcrnmenr
    servant ol rhc firs1 grade under the relevant rules.”
    (2ND AMENDMENT) ACT, 1979
    (NAGALAND ACT NO. 2 OF 1979)
    Received 111e asxenf of the Govcmor on tf~c 19th Febnlory, 1979
    utld pltblislred it1 ~fle Nagalatld Gazerle dated 15tlt Jutre, I979
    furthcr to amend the Nagaland Legislative Assembly Members’
    Salaries and Allowances Act, 1964.
    11 is hercby enacted in hvenly ninth year of the Republic of India
    as follows : –
  8. Short title and Commencement.
    (1) This Act may be cailed ihc Nagaiand Legislative Assembly
    Members’ Salaries and Allowances (2nd’~rnendmcnl) Act,
    (2) This shall come into force on 1st January, 1979
  9. Amendment of Sections 3 and 5 of Lhe ~agolnnd’ Act No. 6 uT
    ‘l’he cxisting section 3 01 the Nagaland Legislative Asqembly
    Members’ Salaries and Allowances Act, 1964 shall be substituted
    by [he following : –
    “3. S.EE7 :-Thcre sltaU bc paid (o each member a salarj
    at the rate of rupecs seven hundred per mensem.”
  10. Sub-stxtiotl (2) of the Section 5 of be Nagaland legdative huh$
    Members’ Salaries and AUowances Act, 1W shall l~e deleted and
    subsdon (1) oC Section 5 be renumbered as Section 5.
    (NAGAL4ND ACT NO. 8 OF 1982)
    (Received the assent of Governor on 291h November, 1982)
    TO amend the ~agaland kgkiative Assembly Members’ Salaries
    and Allowances Act, 1964 (6 of 1964).
    It is hereby enacted in the thirty third years of the Republic of
    India as follows:-
    I. Short title and ‘commen~ment
    (1) This Act may be caUed the Nagaland Legislative Assembly
    Members’ SaJarits Alluwaoces and Pcpsion (Amendmenr)
    Act 1982.
    (2) It shall come into Ear& with effect from &e first day of April,
  11. Amendment of the tille preamble.
    The words “Salaries and al1ow~c~”‘appearing in the long title,
    preamble and short title af the Nagdaad Legislative Assembly
    Members’ Salaries and Allowances A& 1964 shall be substituted
    as follows namely-
    “Salaries- Allowances and Pension”
  12. Insertion of Section 3A
    Section 3A sball be inserted after section 3 of the Nagaland
    Legislative Assembly Members’ Salaries and ~owances~Act 1964.
    “3A-(1) There shdi be paid a pension of three hundred rupees
    per mensem to every person who has served for a period of not
    less than five years whether mntinuous or not as a member of
    the Assembly.
    Provided that where any petsun ha served as aforaaid for a
    period exceeding five-year, there shd be paid to him an additional
    pedsion of thirty rupees per mensem for every year in excess of
    fivc years, so, however, that in no case thc pension payable ro
    such person shall exceed lour hundred rupees per menscm.
    (2) Where any person entitled to pension mder sub-scctioo (2).
    (i) is elected to the office of thc President or Vice-president
    or is appointed to the olfrce of thc Governor of any
    Slate or the Administrator of any Union Territory:
    @) becomes a Member of the Council ulsratt: ur the House
    of the people or any Legislative AssembIy of a SLate or
    Union Territory or any Legislative Council of a State
    of the Metropolition Council of Delhi constituted under
    sec~iun 3 of the Delhi Adminulratiou Act, 1966, or
    (iii) is cmployed on a salary under the Central Government
    or any State Government, or any Corporation owned
    or controlled by Ihe Central Govcrnmcnt, or my Stale
    Government or any local authority, or becomes atherwisc
    entitled to any remuneradon from such C;overnrncnl
    Corporation or local authori~ such person shall not be
    entilled to any pension under sub-scciiun (1) for thc
    period during which be continues, to bold such ollicc
    or as such member, or is so employed, or continues to
    be entitled to such remuneration.
    Provided.that where the salary payable to such person for holding
    such office or being such mcmbcr or so employed, or where Ihe
    remuneration referred lo in clausc (iii) payable lo such person
    h, in either case, less than thc pcrson payable to .him under
    sub-section (1) such person shall be entitled only to receivc the
    balance as pension under !ha1 sub-sedion.
    (3) Where any person entitled,to pcnsion under sub-section (1)
    is also entitled to any pension from tht: Central Government
    or any Siatc C;ovcrnmznt or any Carputatinn awned or
    controlled by the Cenlral (iovernmcnr or any State Government, or any low1 aukhority, undcr any law or othenvisc;
    then : – ‘
    (a) Where the amount of pcnsion to which hc is cntitlcd
    under such law or otherwise, is equal to or in excess of
    that LO which he is entitlcd under suh-section (1) such
    person shall no1 he entirlcd to any person under [hat
    subsccriot~, and
    (b) Where the amount of pension -to which he is enlitled
    hnder such taw or othcrwisc, is Icw than thal to which
    I he is entitIed undcr sub-section (I), such person shall
    be catitled to pension under that sub-scction only of an
    amount wbich falls short of the amout of pepension to
    wbich hc is otherwise entitlcd under that sub section.
    (4) In computing the number of years for the purposes of sub
    section (I), the period during which a person has served as
    a Minister as defined in the Nagatand Ministers’ Salaries and
    Allowances Act 1%4 (Act No. 4 of 1964) or the Spcaker or
    Lhe Depury Speaker of the Assembly shall be taken into
    (5) Fur the purposes of claiming any pension undcr this seclioa
    a person shall furnish cermcates in such form as may be
    (NAG- At3 NO. 6 OF 1985).
    (Received the assent 01 Lhe Governor of Nagaland on Ihe t#h
    March, 1983)
    to amend the Nagaland Legislative Assembly Members’ Salaries,
    Allowan- and Pension A4 1964 (6 of 1W).
    It is hereby coacted in the thirty stdh year of Lhc Republic of
    India as follows : –
    , 1. Short title and Commencement.
  13. This Act may be called the Nagaland Legislative Assembly
    Members’ Salaries Allowanm and Pension (Amendment)
    Act, 1985.
    (2) It sbd be deemed to have come irrto force yith effect from
    the fust day of April, 1977.
  14. Substitution of Section 3A(1).
    Section 3A (I) of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly Members’
    Salaries, Allowances and Pension Act, 1964 shall be substituted
    by the following : – “3A(1) – There shall be paid a pension of three hundred rupees
    per mewem to every person who has served for one term as a – member of the Nagdad Legisiative Assem My. – :I’ ‘
    Provided that where any perso” bas sewed is aforesaid for more
    tban’ooe term, there shall tie paid to bim ao additional pension
    of one hundred rupees per mcmem for each additional term,
    so however, tbat in no case the pension payable to such a person
    shall exceed five hundred rupees per mensem.”
    &planation :
    The Expressio~ “term” in thc above section 3A (1) shall meao
    a period of five years beginning with the date of publication of
    the noUcation constituting thc Nagaland Legislative Assembly
    after any gcueral clcction held and includcs lesser pcriod than
    five years in the event of dissolution of the House for fresh
    election bcfore the completion of five years, period and furlher
    includes the term served by any person as a member of the House
    on being clcctcd on the basis of any bye-olec~ion held.
    (THE MAGALWID ACT NO. 7 OF 1987)
    (Received rhc assctrl of flze tiovenrur 01 Nagalutrd on 241/1 Idy ‘M
    und puhlislr td in fhc Nagulaad Garctre ~raordirrery da fed
    27th Arig ’87)
    Further ro amend thc Nagaland Lcgislativc Assembly No. 6
    Members’ Salarics, AUowanccs and Pcnsion Act, 1964.
    No. 6 oj 1964.
    It is hercby enacted in the thirty cighth year of the Republic of
    India a5 lollow :
  15. (I) This Act may be caIIed the Nagaland Legislative I
    Members’ Salaries, AUowanccs and Pension (Arncnd- I
    menr) Act, 1987. !
    (2) 11 shall he decmcd to have comc into force wiih effcct
    from lsl March, 1981. i
  16. In Section 3A (1) of [he Nagaland Legislative Assembly
    Mcmbcrs’ Salarics, Allowances and Pension Acl, 1966 the
    following shall bc: inserted alter the words ‘Nagdand LcgisIalivc: Asscrnbly’ :
    “or Mcmhcr af the Inlcrim Body consIirurerl undcr the
    Nagaland (Transitional Provisions) Rc-gulatiuns, 1961″
  • [No. .2 of 196 I)
    3- In Scctirm 3.& exkling Explanation shall be numbered as (1)
    and thc lollowing shall bc inscr~ed as itcm No. 2 artcr
    Explanalitm Numhcr 1.
    “(2) Thc cxprcs+icln ‘[crm’ dsrr includcs lcasor pcricld than
    llvc ycars in ~hc cvcnt of rcsignatiun lcndcrcd hy a mcrnbcr
    irldivirlually rjr cn-hlnc”.
    (THE NAGALAND ACT NO. 4 OF 1994)
    (Received the asxenr of f11e Governor of Nugaland on 23 september,
    1994 arid published in tlte NaguIund Gazette cnmordirrruy duled
    5th Oct, 1994)
    Further to amend the Nagaland Legislative Assembly Members’
    Salaries, Allowances and Pension Act, 1964.
    Whereas it is cxpedicnl to amend the Nagaland Le@aL;vc Assembly Members’ Salaries, Allowances and ~easion’~ct, 1964
    (Nagaland Act No. 6 of 1964) in the mamer hereunder appearing.
    It is hereby eaactcd in the forty fifth year of-the Republic of
    India as follows :
  1. Short tide and Commeacement
    (1) This Act may be dled the Nagaland Legislative Assembly
    Members’ Salaries and Pension (Amendment) Act, 1994.
    (2) It shall mme into force at once.
  2. Amendment or Section 4 of Nagdand Act No. 6 of 1964.
    In Sectian 4 of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly Members’
    Salaries, AlIawances and Pension Acl, 1964 (Nagaland Act No :
    6 of 29641, the faIIowing be inserted after Sub-section (i) as
    hereunder :
    (iii) “Hospitality alIowance” at the rate of Rtrpees ane rhousand
    per mensem.
    (iv) “News Paper and Magazine allowance” at the rate of Rupees
    ~wo hundred fifty pcr mensem.
    (THE NAGALAND ACT NO. 1 OF 1995)
    ~errivid tllc orretrf of *e dovmor o/ ~aguioad a] S-4~5 und
    pltblishcd ;I r tl~c Nagalatrd Gmctte cxlruordillaty duted
    25rll April, IP95)
    Fur~hcr to amend thc Nagaland Legisla live Assembly Mernbcrs,
    Salaries, Allowances and Pension Act, 1964.
    It is hereby cnacted in the forty sixth year of Lhe republic of-India
    as rollows:-
  1. Short title and commencement.
    (i) Thjs Act may be called thc Nagaland LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY MEMBERS’ salaries, AHowances and Pcnsion
    (Arncndment) Act, 1995.
    (ii) It shall mmts into force with eflccc from Is( April, 1995.
  2. Amendrneht of Section 3 (A) (1).
    Scction 3 (A) (1) of the Nagaland Legjslaljvc: A.~scmbly Members,
    Salarip, AlIowances and Pension Act, 19G4 shall be suhs~itured
    by thc –
    “There sl~all be paid a pension of Five Hundrcd Rupecs pcr
    rncnsem Lo every person who bas served for one term as a rncmher
    of Nagaland Legislarive Assembly and a pension of n maximum
    uf Eight hundred Rupccs per rncnsem lo every person who has
    served a-second and subscquent Lerms.
    Er,u/ajrufiu?~ : The expression ‘lerrn’ in thc abovc section 3 A (1)
    shall mean a period of five years-beginning with Lhe dale of
    publication of the notification constilu~ing the Nagaland Legislurivc
    Asscmbry after evcry Gcneral E[cclion held and includcs a period
    lesser than FIVC ycars in the event of dissolution of the House for – frcsh Elecrion before rhe -completion oF iivc years and further
    includes the tern1 served by ariy persun as a ~nclmhcr oi thc house
    on being cleded on thc basis or any bye-elcction held”.
    Sub-secrion (2) of section 4 of the Nagaland Deputy Speaker’s
    salaries and allowances act 1964 (Nagaland act of No. 7 of 19G4) ‘
    shall be deleted.
    Section 9 of the Principal Act shall be substituted by the following
    as hereunder :
    The Deputy Speaker shall be entitled to an enlertainment ‘ :
    allowance of rupees two thousand five hundred per mensem.
  • * * I
    The Nagaland Legislative Assembly Member’s salaries,
    allowances and Pension (Amendment) Act, 1999
    (Act No. 12 of 1999). –
    (Received the asserrt of tlze Governor of Nagaland on ldrh JlrIy I999
    and p ri bIis11ed irr 111 e Nagaland Gazette Extra-ordinary
    dared 22nd Sept 1999.1
    An Act further to amend the Nagaland Legislative Assembly
    Members salaries, allowances and pension act 1964.
    Whereas it is expedient to amend the Nagaland I~gislati ve
    Assembly member’s salaries, allowance and pension act, 1964 (Nagaland
    act No. 6 oi 1964) in thc manncr hereunder appending.
    11 is hereby enacted in the Fiftieth year of the Republic of India as
    ~O~~OWS :
    (i) This act shall be called lhe Nagaland.
    ( 80)
    Legislative Assembly Membcr’s salnrics, aIIowancc and
    pension (amendment) Act 1999.
    fii) It shall come into force on such date such as the state
    government may by notification in official gazelle appoint.
    Section 3 of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly member’s sala-
    ‘ ries, allowances and pension act 1964 (Nagaland act No. 6 of 1964)
    shall be substi tutcd by thc following as hereunder :
    Salaries :-There shall be paid LO each member a salary at the rate
    of Rupees eight thousand per mensen.
    Section 3 A (I), of the Principal Act shall be substituted by,the
    following as here under :
    3 A (I) There shall be pnid a pension of Rupees two thousand per ,
    mensem to every person who has served for one term as a member or the
    tuted under the Nagaland (Transilional Provisions) Regulation, 196 1 (2 or
    Provided that wherc any person has served as aforcsaid for Inorc
    than one term, there shall be paid to him an additional psion oPRupces
    One thousand only per mensem for the fin1 second tcrm and an addirioniil
    pension of Ru~es five hundred or such furthcr additional tcrm but subjccr
    to ammimum of Rupecs six thousand only pcr rncnscm.
    Provided further that family pcnsion shall be paid at a ratc of fifty
    percent in the manner as may be prescribed.
    The expression ‘Tcrm’ in the above section 3 A (I) shall mcan a , .
    period of five years beginning from the datc of publicalion of the ‘
    notification constituting Ihe Nagaland Legislative Assembly after
    any gcnera1 election’held and includes a period lesser than five
    years in the event of dissolution of the Housc for fresh election
    before the completion of five ym period md further includes the ,
    term served by person as member of the Nagaland Legislative
    Assembly on being elec~ed on the basis of any byeelection held.
  4. AMENDMENT OF SECTION NO. 4 i I Sec~ion No. 4 of the Principal Act shall be substituted by the :
    following :
  5. There shall be paid to cach member he following alIowances :-
    (i) a daily allowance of Rupees two hundred per day during
    the Session andcommittees malings for halts during the
    tour wilhin the Srate as duly approved by the Spcaker
    and Rupees three hundred per day for the lour outside
    the State as duly approved by the Speaker or Rupees
    four hunddper day in such case where Nagaland House
    is not avaiIable.
    ) travelling allowance at am~e admissible la aGovemmcnt
    servant of the first Grade under relevant rules.
    mi) hospitality allowance at a rate of Rupees one thousand
    five hundd only per rnensern.
    (iv) News paper and magazine allowance at a rate of Rupecs
    two hundred and fifty per mensern.
    The Nagaland Legislative Assembly Members salaries,
    zII3wances and Pension (Amendment) Act.
    (Act No. 9 of 2001)
    [Received tile asserrf OJ the Gover~lor of hragalattd 011 24.9.2001
    RI:~ ptiblished irr the Nn~iand Grrzetle extruordinay
    doted 181Jt oct 2001.1
    An Act further LO amend the Nagaland Legislative Assembly ,
    Member’s Salaries, Allowances and Pension Acl. 1964. i
    Whereas it is cx~dicnl to amend Ihe Nagaland Asscmbly Members Salaries, Allowances and Pension Act 1 964 (Nagaland Act No.G of ,
    1964) in the manncr hereunder appending.
    It is hereby enacted in the fifty second year of the Republic of
    India as follows :
    (i) This Act shall be caIled the Nagaland Legislative Assembly Memkr’s Salaries, Allowances and Pension (Amendmen t) Act 200 1.
    (ii) Jt shall come into force on such a date as the State government may by Notification in Official Gazette appoint.
    Second proviso to Sub Scction (I) of Section 3 A of the Principal
    Act shall be delected and after Sub Section 5 the following shall :
    be inserted as Sub Section 6 and 7 :
    G. (a) Theie shall be paid a kmily pcnsion ;ll he rate of ti fly f>er
    ccnt of the pension ir~ ;I monneiprovided hereunder and
    as may be Cunhcrprescribedin this behalf.
    (i) If a deceased ex-mcmber or pensioner leaves bchi 11d a
    widow or a widower, thc farnil y peusion shall become
    payable to the widow or wjdotver, failing which to thc
    . i If sons and unmarried daughters arc alivc, ~rnrnarried
    daughters shall not be eligible for family pension, un tess
    the sons attain the age of twenty fi ve years and thereby I become ineligible for the grmt on family pension. I fiii) Where family pension is granted under lhis rulc to a minor, it shall be payable to the guardian on behalf of the
    (b) Nolwithstanding what is provided in clause-(a) abovc, no 1
    member of the family who is a government selvanl shall
    be paid a family pension.
  8. (a) Whcn a sitting member is killed by u terroris[ ncl, the
    next of kin may be granted an ex-gratia payment of
    Rs. 5 lakhs only.
    (b) When a member expires while sti l I serving his term,
    the next of kin may be granted an ex-gra~ia payment
    of Rs. 2 lakhs only.
    (THE NA(;ALANU ACT NO. 3 OF 19YiI)
    rurthcr LO anlend tbc Nagaland Lgislativc Asscmbly Mcmbers’
    Salaries, Allowances and Pension Akl, 1964.
    II is hcrchy cni~c~crl in ~hc forty first year qf the Rcpublic ol India
    as Tcdluw :-
    I. Short tille and commencement
    (I) This Act may be called he Nagaland Ikgblaiivr Assembly
    Mcrnhcrs, Salaries, Allowances and Pension (Eighth Amead-
    ~iienl) Acl, 1930.
    (2) This Acl shall cunx inlo farce wilh effect from 1st of April,
  9. Amendment of Section3 I
    The Section-3 or he NagaIand LRgislative Asscmbly Member’
    Salaries, Allowances and Pcision Act, 1964, herein after called
    the Principal Act. shall be suhs~ituted by thc foiiowing : – ‘1 3 SalariesThere shill1 hc paid to each Membcr a salary at thc rate ofrupees ‘
    cmc thousand per mcnsern”.
  10. Amrndn~ent or Section-4
    tbc Section -4 of the Principal ACL shall bc substituted by thc
    i’ollowing n;~rnely : –
    “411) DAILY ALLOWANCES : –
    There shall be paid to each Member a dai!y allowances of rupees
    o~tc hundred per day during the Session and Committce meeting
    Cor hhlts during tours wirhin Ihe Slate provided thc tour is approved
    by the Sncaker, Curther rupces onc hundrcd and Gfty per day wiU
    hc pilid nil tours, duly ;~ppnlvcd by ~l~c~Si)c;tkcr uulsidc thc Slalc
    hut wi~hin rhc cuunlry”
    Each Mcnlhcr s11i111 hc pa;d (ravclliug srllowaucc at thl: ralc
    ;rJniissil~lc Ir* ;I liiwcrnntcnt Servant rlf the first (;r;~dc, undcr
    rclcvir~ll rulcs ;IS applicahlc ‘l’roor Iinlt: 10 lime.”
    (Act No. 6 of 2002)
    Received the assent of the Governor on 1.10.2002 and publjshed
    in the Nagaland Gazette extra-ordinary dated 29.10.2002.
    further to amend the Nagaland Legislative Assembly memkrs
    Salaries, AlIowances and Pension Act, 19M.
    Whereas it is expedient to amend the Nagaland Legislative
    Members Salaries, Allowances and Pension Act, 1964 (Nagaland
    Act No.G of 2964) in the manner hereunder pending.
    It is hereby enacted in the fifty third year of the Republic of India as
    follows :
  11. Short Title and commencement :
    i) This act shall be called the Nagdmd Legislative Assembly
    Members Salaries, Allowances and Pension (Amendment)
    Act, 2002.
    ii) It shall come into force on such date as the state government
    may by notification in official gazette appoint.
  12. Amendment of Section 3A.
    Section 3A (1) of the Principal Act shall be substituted by the
    following as hereunder :
    3A(1) There shaII be paid a pension of Rupees Four
    Thousand per mensem to every prson who has served for one
    term as a member of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly or
    member of the Interim Body constituted under the Nagaland
    (Transactional Provisions) Regulation 1961 (2 of 1961).
    Provided that where any person has served as aforesaid for
    more than one term, there shall be paid to him an additional pension
    of Rupees OneThousand only per mensem for the first second term
    and additional pension of Rupees five hundred for such additional
    term without subject to any maximum limit.
    Explanation :-
    The expression ‘Term” in the above Secttion 3A (1) Shall mean
    a period of five years beginning from the date of publication of the
    Notification constituting the Nagaland LegisIati ve Assembly after any
    general election held and includes a period Iesser than five years in
    the event of dissolution of the House for fresh election before
    completion of the five year perid and further includes the tern served
    by a person as members of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly on
    being elected on the basis of any bye-election held.
  1. Substituted by Act 13 of 1969.
  2. Inserted by Nagaland Act 10 of 1964.
  3. Substituted by Act 6 of 1965.
    [“(ia) Daily allowance at the rate of rupees twenty five per day when his attendance
    outside the State of Nagaland is required in connection with his duties as a
    member, subject to any lower rate with respect to any specified place as may be
    prescribed by rules, and “]1
    (ii) Traveling allowance at the rate admissible to a Government Servant of the first
    grade under the relevant rules.
    Conveyance allowance.- 5. (1) The State Government may provide suitable
    conveyances for the use of every member for the due performance of such of his duties as a
    member of the Assembly, as may be prescribed by rules.
    (2) Every member shall further be entitled to a conveyance allowance of rupees [two
    hundred per mensem.]2
    Medical attendance and treatment.- 6. A member shall be entitled free of charge to
    accommodation in hospitals maintained or approved in this behalf by the Government and
    also to free medical treatment.
    Explanation- For the purpose of this section ‘member’ shall include his wife, his
    children, step-children, minor brothers and sisters and parents wholly dependent on him.
    Rule making powers of the State Government.- 7. (1) The State Government may,
    by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules –
    (a) to prescribe the periods during which, and the condition under which, daily
    allowance may be drawn, and circumstances under which such allowances may be
    withheld :
    (b) to prescribe the conditions on which and journeys for which traveling allowance
    may be claimed;
    (c) to prescribe the hospital for medical attendance and treatment ; and
    (d) generally for carrying out the purpose of the Act.
    (2) All rules made under this Act shall be laid before the Nagaland Legislative
    Assembly, as soon as may be, after they are made and shall be subject to such modifications
    as the Nagaland Legislative Assembly may make.