Keywords : Conditions of Service, Recruitment, Public Services

Amendments appended: 5 of 1970, 20 of 1979, 4 of 1984

(Act 19 of 1968)
l . Short tltle.

  1. Regulation of recruitment and conditions of service.
  2. Continuance of exisung rules.
    Act 19 of 1968
    An A’t to regulate the recruitmuzt, and condttzons of service of persons
    appoznted, to publzc servzces and posts in connectzon wzth
    tlze affazrs of the State of Kerala
    Preamb!e.-\VHERr:As tt is cons1dcred necessary that the recruitment,
    and condit10ns of set vice of persons appointed, to public scrvrces and
    posts in connection with the affairs of the State of Kerala should be
    regulated by an Act of the Kerala State Legislature;
    BE it enacted in the N tneteeth Year of the Republic of India as
  3. Short tztle.-This Act may be called the Kerala Public
    Services Act, 1968.
  4. Regulatwn of recruztment and condttwns of servzce -(I) The
    Government may make rules to regulate the recruitment, and conditions
    of service ofper.:lons appointed, to pub I ic services and posts in connection
    with the affairs of the State of Kerala.
    (2) Every rule made under this section shall be laid as soon as
    may be after it is made before the LegislatiVe Assembly whJlc it is In
    session for a total period of fourteen days which may be comprised in
    one sessiOn or in two successive sessions, and if before the expiry of the
    session in wh1ch it 1s so latd or the scssi:m immediately Collow1ng, the
    Legislative Assembly agrees that the rule should be either modIfied or
    annulled, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such mod1fied
    form or be of no effect, as the case may be , so however that any such
    modification or annulment shall be without preJudice to the validity of
    an vthing p1 eviously done under that rule. —- – – ——– • Publtshed m the Gazette C.traordmary No. 225, dated 17th September, I9G8.
  5. Continuance of existing rules.-All rules made under the proviso
    to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, regulating the recruitment,
    and conditions of service of persons appointed, to public services and
    posts in connection with the affairs of the State of Kerala and in force 6
    immediately before the commencement of this Act, shall be deemed to
    have been made under this Act as if this Act had been in force on the
    date on which such rules were made and shall continue to be in force
    unless and until they are superseded by any rules made under this Act.