Act No : 27 of 1966
Keywords : Agricultural Produce, Agriculturist, Processing Society, Backward Classes, Broker, Buyer or Purchaser, Bye-Laws, Cattle, Commission Agent, Commodity, Co-Operative Marketing Society, Delivery, Deputy Commissioner, Director of Agricultural Marketing, Exporter, Goods, Insolvent, Marketing, Market Area, Market Charges, Market Committee, Market Functionary, Market Sub-Yard, Market Yard, Misconduct, Notification, Notified Agricultural Produce, Over Trading, Process, Processor, Producer, Registrar of Co-Operative Societies, Retail Sale, Retail Trader, Rural Shandy, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Secretary, Seller, Solvent, Stockiest, Sub-Committee, Sub-Market, Trader, Vehicle, warehouse, Weighment
Amendments appended: 8 of 2001, 10 of 2001, 13 of 2002, 23 of 2007, 18 of 2010, 18 of 2011, 38 of 2013, 5 of 2014, 20 of 2014
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